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Blues and Bullets Episode 1 Available Now For Xbox One

Blues and Bullets Episode 1 Available Now For Xbox One

Published: Monday, August 31, 2015Tagged: Gaming, ID@Xbox, Xbox One, Xbox Store

A Crowd of Monsters' episodic adventure game "Blues and Bullets: Episode One" is now available to download on Xbox One.

Blues and Bullets Xbox One

Blues and Bullets is a noire episodic game where Eliot Ness must confront his demons to solve his last case. Eliot Ness, the former leader of the legendary Untouchables, wished only to spend the rest of his days working in his diner, not dwelling too much on the cesspit of corruption his city, Santa Esperanza, had degenerated into. Helped by various characters from some unexpected places, the player must guide Eliot through the increasingly morbid and decadent scenarios searching for clues to solve the cases in the five episodes of this season’s Blues and Bullets.

Developed and Published by A Crowd of Monsters, Blues and Bullets is available today via the Xbox Games Store, priced at $4.99USD/£3.99 /€4,99. This game is NOT available in Australia.

For more information on the game, check out all of our Xbox One coverage via the Xbox One Games database and don't forget to follow us on Twitter, Google+, YouTube and Facebook for all of the latest Xbox One news, upcoming Xbox One games, release dates, gameplay videos and trailers, Xbox One ScreenshotsXbox One Achievements and loads more.

Size: 5.17 GB
Download: here
Price: $4.99USD/£3.99 /€4,99
Xbox One Games: Blues and Bullets

Blues and Bullets Achievements
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